No Summer Rock Camp Summer Camp Summer of 2021 !
Rock Camp offered June 14 - 18, 2021 9:30a-12:30
Open to incoming 6-8th graders (fall 2021).
- All climbing abilities welcome.
- Online registration is open!
- Days 1-3 at Cherry Creek HS, Outdoor Climbing Wall
- Days 4 & 5 will be held at Rock'n and Jam'n 2 Rock Climbing Gym.
(CCSD & Rock'n & Jam'n 2 rock gym waiver required)
Click here for: ON-LINE Registration !
Open to: Boys and Girls, incoming 5th, 6th 7th 8th graders (Fall 2021)
Phone: 720-554-2548 (Adventure Office)
Instructors: Adult Challenge Course Staff and selected High School Adventure Leaders
Session 7 : June 14 -18,2021 Time: 9:00am – Noon
Location: CCHS Indoor Climbing Wall (north gym) & Outdoor Climbing Wall (CCHS Challenge Course). Challenge Course (located between the CCHS Baseball field and Campus Middle School). This camp is also planned to spend two sessions climbing at the area rock gym; Rock’n & Jam’n 2 on Jordan Road south of Arapahoe Rd.
Cost: $265. (Limit 15 students per session)
- Course Fee includes Rock Gym fee / equipment (if needed) / credit card transaction fee
**Incoming 9th graders (2021-22 school year) can participate with approval for Camp Director. Please contact Mr. Goeglein for authorization to participate. Please secure approval with Mr. Goeglein prior to registration.
[email protected]
Repeat campers are welcome.
Rock Camp Description:
This camp focuses on the basics of efficient rock climbing skill and movement. SOAR Climbing camp includes safety considerations as related to IDOOR or artificial rock wall climbing. This is not an outdoor climbing skill training camp nor will this camp take place on natural or real rock.
Students will:
- Work on traversing the base of the climbing wall (bouldering techniques).
- Learn safety protocols for top rope, indoor rock climbing.
- Learn how to belay with a back-up belayer.
- Learn basic rock-climbing skills and techniques.
- Work on the development of balance, strength and core stability.
- Learn how to coach and encourage fellow climbers.
- Recognize basic climber etiquette.
- All equipment provided – Students with their own climbing harness and shoes are encouraged to use them (all equipment must be approved by the instructor)
- No personal belay devises or carabineers (hardware) will be permitted. Please leave all your hardware at home.
The SOAR Program at Cherry Creek HS is a program of high school Adventure Leaders trained to facilitate rock climbing and challenge course activities. We invite students throughout the Cherry Creek School District to participate in the SOAR Summer Camp program!